Once we can find the distance to the Moon, we can use that to find the angular diameter. mybloggingplanet.com

Given that we know what the angular diameter is at perigee, we can find the angular diameter at any point in the orbit.

We plug the distance into the formula
Angular diameter = (Angular diameter at perigee) * (Semi-major axis) / (Distance)

		public static void CalcMoonDiam(DateTime dDate, DateTime dEpoch, double fMEpochLong, double fMPeriLong, double fMAscNode, double fMIncl, double fMEcc, double fSEpochEclLong, double fSPeriEclLong, double fSEcc, double fMSMA, double fVAngDiam, ref double fMAngDiam)
			double fRho;

			fRho = 0;
			CalcMoonDistance(dDate, dEpoch, fMEpochLong, fMPeriLong, fMAscNode, fMIncl, fMEcc, fSEpochEclLong, fSPeriEclLong, fSEcc, fMSMA, ref fRho);

			fMAngDiam = (fVAngDiam * fMSMA) / fRho;